An oil ring lubricated split bearing housing includes upper and lower bearing
housing halves having mating seat surfaces for a bearing which is adapted to support
a shaft, an oil reservoir space in the lower housing half, an oil pick up ring
partly immersed in the oil reservoir space and rotatable to transfer oil from space
to the bearing, an inner labyrinth sealing sleeve fixedly fitted around the shaft
and having a circumferential axial groove facing away from the bearing, and an
outer labyrinth sealing part with a portion projecting axially into the axial groove
thereby forming a labyrinth seal. Both bearing housing halves have gable openings
closely fitting around the sleeve. The outer labyrinth sealing part being in the
form of a ring having an axially projecting portion entering in the axial groove
and another portion retained in a radial, circumferential groove in the upper bearing
housing half.