A complex-shaped carbon fiber structural member including a multiplicity of carbon
epoxy fiber bundles surrounded by a unidirectional carbon fiber rope and its method
of manufacture are provided. The fiber bundles are formed from large sheets of
unidirectional carbon fiber materials cut into small strips, with the strips then
being randomly oriented in the form of a sheet of randomized fiber bundles. The
strips, and the fibers in the strips, cross over one another so as to form a layer
of material that has a relatively uniform strength in all directions. The sheets
of randomized carbon epoxy fiber bundles are cut into preforms for the structural
part being made. Several preforms are stacked on top of each other in order to
provide material to make the part of a desired thickness. To reinforce the bundles
within the part, particularly along its outer periphery, the preforms are wrapped
prior to molding with an elongated rope of unidirectional carbon fibers. The preforms
and unidirectional rope are assembled together in an appropriate mold, which is
then subject to heat and pressure for molding and curving the part.