The method of this invention adheres a low emissivity radiant barrier material
to an underlying lignocellulosic substrate within the primary manufacturing operation
of the underlying lignocellulosic substrate. Thus, a radiant barrier covered substrate
is formed by integrally joining the radiant barrier covering to a mat of lignocellulosic
material during consolidation thereof with a first adhesive bonding material to
form an underlying substrate. The integral joining operation can, for example,
be accomplished by bonding the radiant barrier covering to a lignocellulosic mat
in a product formation press. This is typically accomplished using a second adhesive
bonding material for adhesion of the radiant barrier material to the lignocellulosic
mat, and a first adhesive bonding material for consolidating the lignocellulosic
mat to form a lignocellulosic substrate. More specifically, this invention is directed
to a method whereby a low emissivity radiant barrier material is joined in situ
to a mat of lignocellulosic particles using a second adhesive material, during
the consolidation of the lignocellulosic particles and a first adhesive bonding
material to form an underlying substrate, an integral laminated radiant barrier
covered lignocellulosic product being produced.