An aortic balloon occlusion cannula for the occlusion of the aorta ascendens
cardiac surgery including a cannula containing several lumina that are separated
from one another. The cannula carriers two dilatable occlusion balloons positioned
at a distance from each other, one of the balloons being neighbored to the distal
end of the cannula which faces away from the heart and each of the balloons being
connected to its own lumen which enables its dilation in independence from the
other balloon. The cannula is insertable through the lefthand ventricle of the
heart and through the valvula aortae and includes at least one further lumen. The
further lumen being connected on the distal side, facing the body, of the distal
occlusion balloon to the lumen of the aorta and is adapted to be connected to an
extracorporal blood supply device. An additional separate lumen is provided in
the cannula and forms a return conduit for liquid and opens on the proximal side
of the proximal occlusion balloon.