Joint / tissue inflammation therapy and monitoring device


A device is provided, in direct skin contact, surrounding an injured area for the light and heat treatment, reduction of joint inflammation, edema and excitation of neural and muscular stimulation associated with human and mammal tissues. This therapeutic light and heat source includes multiple tiers or layers, e.g., three or four layers and a multiplicity of light emitting diodes (LED's) found in the ranges of 250 nm to 20,000 nm and fiber optic connections. A neoprene type material or other non-allergenic material will be used to set the LED's and fiber optics in layers consisting of contact with the skin to a few centimeters from the skin tissue. (Distance between the layers of LED's will vary from contact or near contact with devices to several millimeters of separation.) Each LED array will be independently controlled allowing for optimal modulation of light frequencies and wavelengths. Technology will be integrated allowing for biomedical feedback of tissue temperature, biochemical changes in tissue and other statistical information. A low voltage, portable power supply, will be integrated into the device as well as an analog/digital, input/output connection device. The design will be created for continuous wear, flexibility and comfort. The tiers or layers can be individually programmed to turn "on" or "off" as required by the physiologic condition to be treated. A device for light and heat treatment is contemplated using polarized film or a light guide accepting white light.


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~ 00199