The isolation of and methods of using a sub-genomic transcript (Sgt) promoter
from Mirabilis mosaic virus (MMV) are described. A 333 bp MMV Sgt promoter
fragment (sequence-;306 to +27 from the transcription start site, TSS) was found
to be sufficient for strongest promoter activity. This MMV Sgt promoter fragment
shows comparable promoter activity to the MMV FLt promoter both in transgenic plants
and in protoplasts. The MMV Sgt promoter also demonstrates much greater activity
compared to Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 19S promoter and 35S promoter.
The MMV Sgt promoter fragment and any chimeric gene to which it may be linked are
usefull for plant geneic engineering to obtain transgenic plants, plant cells and seeds.