A method and apparatus for terminating an end of an optical cable is disclosed
such that coaxial tubes of the cable and fibers therein are all prevented from
moving relative to one another. For some embodiments, the coaxial tubes crimp together
by a mechanical crimp that compresses the outer tube onto the inner tube without
roller crimping. A fiber retention subassembly crimps to one of the coaxial tubes,
and an adhesive fills the fiber retention subassembly, thereby fixing the fibers
therein and isolating tension from the ends of the fibers that extend from the
fiber retention subassembly. The ends of the fibers of the optical cable connect
with fibers of another optical cable or device by a fusion splice. A splice cover
holds and/or seals the spliced section and prevents relative movement between the
optical cables or the optical cable and the device at the spliced section.