The invention relates to a method, an apparatus and a product making it
possible to work with block-frozen raw materials in a smaller format in
various ways in the fields of the bait and the fodder industries, more
particularly in the fields of bait, where the method consists of making
the block-frozen raw material smaller by the raw material being shredded,
scraped or planed down to rather small shreds or flakes of various fine
consistencies in a freezer cabin at a common storage freezing temperature
in such a way, that the temperature of the frozen small shreds or flakes
does not increase considerable during the execution of the method. The
method is executed both by using manual shredders of various types or by
using a special apparatus intended and invented for the said use, where
the hardened edges of the plane teeth of the apparatus have nicks such
that the edges are "teethed" with different locations of the nicks such
that two and two plane teeth being identical and located crosswise from
each other on the disk.