An improved method is described for the manufacture of mercury dispenser
devices to be used in fluorescent lamps, of the type wherein the
dispenser material (2) is contained inside a metal tube (1), these
dispensers providing a more uniform distribution of mercury, with lower
fluctuations from one device to the other. This is obtained by a method
according to which a tubular metal container (1') having a larger
diameter than the final one (1), after the filling thereof with said
dispenser material (2) is passed between at least two pairs of rollers
(3, 3', 4, 4') whose axes of rotation are parallel to each other and
perpendicular to the advancing direction (X-X') of the tubular container
(1), until a reduction of the cross-section of the latter to the desired
value is obtained, and is finally cut to the right size into the single
dispenser elements .