The method of choosing and distributing enhanced odds includes 1) linking numerous
electronic gaming devices, such as electronic Poker machines, on a local network,
2) gathering in a progressive amount a percentage of all the bets placed on those
devices such as for progressive jackpots, 3) using a process based on a combination
of randomness and criteria to distribute for at least one game to one randomly
selected device, a set of enhanced odds and 4) using the progressive amount gathered
to pay prizes awarded with the set of enhanced odds. In a local network of electronic
Poker machines (2), five percent (5%) of the bets are gathered by the network.
When a predetermined amount is gathered, one electronic Poker machine randomly
selected, presents to a player one game with a set of enhanced odds. When a win
occurs corresponding to one of the four (4) highest hands, the prize is paid in
regards to the enhanced odds.