A device for preventing the tangling or crossing of lift cables by maintaining
the tension on the lift cables. When the tension is removed from lift cables (4)
by placing a boat in a water body, the cables (4) become slack and can cross
and/or tangle at a winderbar (1), which greatly reduces the life of the
cables (4) and can cause serious damage to boatlift and boat. The present
invention applies a tensioning means to the cables (4) by utilizing a weight
(10) and pulley (9) or a spring (15) attached to an end of
the lift cable (4). Lift cables (4) are first attached at one end
to the winderbar (1). The cables (4) are then fed through the cradle
(13). When using the weight (10) and pulley (4) system, the
cables (4) are placed over a pulley (9) so that the weight (10)
attached to the opposite end of the cable (4) maintains tension on the cables
(4). The spring (15) tension means attaches the tag end of the cable
(5) to the windbar (1) and the opposite end of the cable (4)
is attached to a spring (15). The spring (15) is then affixed to
a stationary object, such as a boatlift top beam (3) in order to maintain
tension on the cables (4).