A interactive system for chemical and biological testing with the instant data processing and information analysis capability. The system utilizes a specially designed bio-disc and an optical reader attached to a computer to deliver a wide range of tests, such as clinical laboratory diagnostic tests, biological warfare agent detection, forensic DNA tests, and food and water contamination tests, to a remote location. The test data are analyzed by a central data processing unit connected to the computer through a network, and the result is distributed to authorized users through the network. The interactive system also offer users enhanced information and additional relevant products at the point of need.

Web www.patentalert.com

< Method and plant for solvent-free microwave extraction of natural products

< Deodorized yellow colorant of safflower

> Vegetable oil extraction methods

> Efficient process of obtaining high contents of bound-phenolic acid rich dietary fibre by activating in situ amylases through step-wise increase in temperature

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