A compact autothermal (partial oxidation and steam reforming) fuel reactor is
for implementation with a fuel cell system. The reactor includes a premixing chamber
for premixing a volume of air, steam and fuel into an effluent, a thermal POX reactor,
a first stage reforming segment, a post-premix chamber, and a second stage reforming
segment. Further provided are a water/fuel vaporizer for supplying steam and fuel
as a gas to the premix chamber and an airflow cavity disposed about the reactor
for pre-heating air supplied to the premix chamber. The thermal POX segment operates
during an initial start-up period for pre-heating the other components of the reactor.
Once the other components achieve an operation temperature, the first and second
stage reforming segments catalytically reform the effluent. The premix and post-premix
chambers enable variance in the O/C and S/C ratios to be achieved as the effluent
is reformed through the multiple stages.