A Medium Access Control ("MAC") Layer protocol and a method for contention resolution
using the protocol is provided for networks with multiple priority traffic. The
protocol is used where a physical layer connected to a transmission medium uses
a carrier modulation scheme with multiple frequencies. Stations on the network
that desire access to the transmission medium use a carrier modulation scheme with
multiple frequencies. Stations that desire access simultaneously transmit a single
frequency selected at random from a set of physical layer frequencies during an
open-contention-interval. At the same time, the stations listen to a combined frequency
signal and analyzes it for frequency content. The station whose own frequency matches
the highest frequency signal in the combined signal gains access to a transmission
medium. In the event of a collision, a restricted-contention-interval is used only
for the colliding stations. The probability of successful contention resolution
increases very rapidly using the restricted-contention-interval. By partitioning
the set of frequencies in contiguous ranges, multiple priority classes can be used
with the contention method and the MAC layer protocol.