The present invention provides a design of an apparatus that controllably generates
plurality of fountains or fog. The apparatus comprises of a plurality of concave
focused transducers that are immersed in a fluid with the focus located at the
fluid surface. The apparatus is further comprises of a function generator that
generates cyclic signals in the Megahertz range that drives the transducers at
one or more of their resonance frequencies. The apparatus comprises of a sound
emitting device that include a computer controlled generator, music device or synthesizer
that is used to modulate the drive signal to the transducers. The apparatus is
further comprised of an amplifier that drives the transducers to produce high-intensity
ultrasonic waves. The apparatus comprises of a light source that illuminates the
produced fountains or fog. The full embodiment of the invention consists of drive
electronics that generate cyclic signals that are modulated by sound of music or
other rhythmic signals. These signals drive a plurality of transducers to produce
fountains or fog that are harmoniously illuminated by a light source to provide
audiovisual effects. One modality of the invention consists of a laser source that
raster scan the fog or fountains to generate three-dimensional display. The object
of this invention is to provide for the design of a source of electrically controlled
fountain and fog. It is further the object of this invention to provide for the
design of a device that synchronously varies the level of appearance of the fountains
and fog with the rhythm of a played sound of music or synthesized signals. It is
further the objective of this invention to provide for a design of a device that
harmoniously presents light interaction with the produced fountains and fog.