A miniaturized gas sensor comprised of thick- or thin-film type electrodes, on
a non-conductive supportive substrate, and in contact with a solid ionomer electrolyte,
for the detection of toxic gases, i.e., carbon monoxide, and other oxidizable or
reducible gases and vapors is described. The all-solid planar sensor cell has two
or more film type electrodes arranged on a non-conductive planar surface of a supportive
substrate. The electrodes are discrete and in intimate contact with the same solid
polymer ionomer membrane. The sensor cell contains no liquid electrolyte and is
operated in a constant-voltage, potentiostatic or potentiodynamic mode. A high
sensitivity to a select gas or vapor is achieved by a novel three-phase contact
area design for a sensing electrode which provides contact with the solid ionomer
electrolyte, as well as the gas sample via diffusion openings or holes that penetrate
through the supportive substrate.