This invention is an American version of the game chess. It contains eight
(8) pieces including the six (6) pieces from traditional chess namely the
king, queen, bishops, knights, rooks, and the pawns. It is played on a
special board with 104 equal squares. The main board contains 10 rows or
ranks, 14 columns or files, and 4 squares located outside the main board
that can only be access by the knight. The game contains two new chess
pieces one is called the pontiff or pope. The other is a piece made-up of
the combination of the chess rook and the new piece the pontiff, it is
called a rook/pontiff. These two new pieces look and move different from
any of the pieces in the game of chess. The object of the game is the same
as in the traditional game of chess that is to maneuver the pieces in a
battle against the opponent. One outcome of such battle is a "checkmate";
that is one of the players places the opponent's king in a position where
it has to surrender. The other outcome of such battle is a "draw"; that is
none of the players is able to place the opponent's king in "checkmate".
When either of these two possible outcomes is reached the game is legally