A removable data storage drive with improved protection from ambient
contamination is provided. A first foam strip covered with a strip of
plastic, at the bottom of the opening in the front panel of the disk
drive, seals the opening against contamination while the disk(s) are
spinning and during insertion and removal of the medium. A second foam
strip, attached to the door of the disk drive, provides padding to the
door and further seals the opening against contamination. A first plastic
seal made out of plastic is attached to the removable disk drive covering
the entire bottom portion of the drive. This seal (1) prevents extrinsic
contamination from entering the removable disk drive through the gaps and
openings on the bottom of the drive by acting as a barrier to blockade any
airborne particles from being pulled into the negative pressurized areas
of the drive, and (2) prevents shorting of any electrical components
mounted on the bottom of the drive. A second plastic seal is positioned
over the cartridge eject and head locking mechanism of the disk drive in
order to prevent debris from entering the disk drive from this mechanism.