A band gap mass filter for separating particles of mass (M1) from
of mass (M2) in a multi-species plasma includes a chamber defining an
axis. Coils around the chamber generate an axially aligned magnetic field defined
(B=B0+B1 sin t), with an antenna generating the sinusoidal
component (B1 sin t) to induce an azimuthal electric field (E)
in the chamber. The resultant crossed electric and magnetic fields place particles
M2 on unconfined orbits for collection inside the chamber, and pass
the particles M1 through said chamber for separation from the particles
M2. Unconfined orbits for particles M2 are determined according
to an - plot
where 0 is the cyclotron frequency for particles with mass/charge
ratio M, and wherein 0=B0/M and 1=B1/M.