An energy converter reacts hydrocarbons and air on a catalyst configuration to
produce a population inversion. A photovoltaic system may extract the radiating
energy, and a laser system may extract a significant fraction of the reaction energy
in the form of coherent radiation. The flooding of the catalyst adsorption sites
with fuel and the choice of catalyst predisposes the adsorbing oxygen molecules
to create mono-atomic oxygen hot-atoms, which deposit the considerable energy of
oxygen adsorption directly into a reaction channel of adjacent, adsorbed and simple
fuel radicals, thereby producing simple, energetic product molecules, concentrating
the energy in one or a few modes, and strongly favoring inverted populations. A
solid state method to stimulate precursor chemisorbed specie dissociation accelerates
the reaction rates, providing a method to greatly intensify pulsed power output,
increase efficiency, and to facilitate nano-scale and micro-scale thermal energy
heat rejection processes.