The present invention permits textual data to be exchanged between a Web page displayed in a standard Microsoft Web browser window and a server, utilizing a non-persistent HTTP connection. Traditionally, each time textual data is received to the displayed Web page a record is added to the history list. This is problematic as it clutters the history list, compromises the functionality of the browser "Back" and "Forward" buttons, and results in undesirable server operations to be executed. The present invention utilizes several methods for loading textual data to a displayed Web page, without adding a URL to the history list. In one aspect of the invention, a


< Technique for content off-loading in a document processing system using stub documents

< Method and apparatus for the viewing and exploration of the content of hierarchical information

> Configurable user-interface component management system

> System and method for browsing hierarchically based node-link structures based on an estimated degree of interest

~ 00207