A plug comprises a plug housing having a body and a plurality of beams extending
therefrom and forming gaps therebetween. A member bridges the gaps between the
beams at their distal ends. Ground contacts comprising a body, an elongated contact
portion, and armatures are inserted into the plug housing. A recess formed in the
distal end of the elongated contact portion engages the member. The ground contacts
have projections extending therefrom that are disposed in channels formed through
the body and along the beams. Signal contacts having a portion with a first form
factor and a portion with a second form factor are also inserted into the plug
housing. The portion with a first form factor extends through a conduit in the
plug housing body and along a trough formed in the beams. The distal ends of the
signal contacts have recesses formed in their distal ends with projections from
the beams situated therein. The portion of the signal contact with a second form
factor abuts the housing body.