An apparatus and method for interfacing the motion of a user-manipulable object
with a computer system includes a user object physically contacted or grasped by
a user. A 3-D spatial mechanism is coupled to the user object, such as a stylus
or a medical instrument, and provides three degrees of freedom to the user object.
Three grounded actuators provide forces in the three degrees of freedom. Two of
the degrees of freedom are a planar workspace provided by a closed-loop linkage
of members, and the third degree of freedom is rotation of the planar workspace
provided by a rotatable carriage. Capstan drive mechanisms transmit forces between
actuators and the user object and include drums coupled to the carriage, pulleys
coupled to-grounded actuators, and flexible cables transmitting force between the
pulleys and the drums. The flexibility of the cable allows the drums to rotate
with the carriage while the pulleys and actuators remain fixed to ground. The interface
also may include a floating gimbal mechanism coupling the linkage to the user object.
The floating gimbal mechanism includes rotatably coupled gimbal members that provide
three degrees of freedom to the user object and capstan mechanisms coupled between
sensors and the gimbal members for providing enhanced sensor resolution.