A method of operating a micromechanical scanning apparatus includes the steps
identifying a radius of curvature value for a micromechanical mirror and modifying
a laser beam to compensate for the radius of curvature value. The identifying step
includes the steps of measuring the far-field optical beam radius of a laser beam
reflected from the micromechanical mirror. The measured far-field optical beam
radius is then divided by a theoretical far-field optical beam radius reflected
from an ideal mirror to yield a ratio value M. An analytical expression for M is
curve-fitted to experimental data for M with the focal-length as a fitting parameter.
The focal-length value determined by this procedure, resulting in a good fit between
the analytical curve and the experimental data, is equal to half the radius of
curvature of the micromechanical mirror. The micromechanical scanning apparatus
is operated by controlling the oscillatory motion of a first micromechanical mirror
with a first micromechanical spring and regulating the oscillatory motion of a
second micromechanical mirror with a second micromechanical spring.