Image data of optically acquired input images (1) are processed for
emphasizing at least two object classes. Each pixel is subjected to a rough classification
(10) based on first criteria that determine whether or not a pixel is relevant
for an object recognition. A reduced image (11) is formed from the relevant
pixels and irrelevant pixels are omitted. The reduced image (11) is filtered
(20) for forming at least two correlated filtered images (21, 22, 23)
based on second criteria. Classified images (31A, 32A, 33A)
are formed from the filtered images by classifiers that work in accordance with
predetermined rules. Weighting factors are allocated to each object class. The
classified images are merged in accordance with an algorithm to make a combined
global evaluation for each object class. The global evaluation decides, based on
the merged images (41A, 41B, 41C), for each pixel whether
the respective pixel belongs to an object class and if so to which object class.