A new method of silane abatement is achieved. The novel silane abatement system
comprises a water-filled chamber within an outer chamber. An air intake is located
in one upper portion of said outer chamber and an exhaust output is located in
another upper portion of the outer chamber. A silane gas intake pipe runs into
the outer chamber and has its output under water in the water-filled chamber. A
drain is connected through a valve at a bottom portion of the water-filled chamber.
Many safety features are built into the wet abatement system, including temperature
and water level sensors, water sprinklers, and means for shutting off air supply,
exhaust, and silane intake. Waste silane gas is bubbled into a water-filled chamber.
The waste silane gas is reacted with oxygen in water in the water-filled chamber
whereby SiO2 precipitates are formed and wherein the SiO2 precipitates
settle to a bottom surface of the water-filled chamber. The SiO2 precipitates
are drained out of the water-filled chamber to complete the abatement process.