A method of and apparatus for improving vision and the resolution of retinal
is described in which a point source produced on the retina of a living eye by
a laser beam is reflected from the retina and received at a lenslet array of a
Hartmann-Shack wavefront sensor such that each of the lenslets in the lenslet array
forms an aerial image of the retinal point source on a CCD camera located adjacent
to the lenslet array. The output signal from the CCD camera is acquired by a computer
which processes the signal and produces a correction signal which may be used to
control a compensating optical or wavefront compensation device such as a deformable
mirror. It may also be used to fabricate a contact lens or intraocular lens, or
to guide a surgical procedure to correct the aberrations of the eye. Any of these
methods could correct aberrations beyond defocus and astigmatism, allowing improved
vision and improved imaging of the inside of the eye.