An apparatus and method for medical practitioners to detect the presence of abnormal cells including cancerous and pre-cancerous cells by using a transport capsule containing an imaging apparatus including UV sources and fluorescence detectors for obtaining images and fluorescence data of biological cells and tissue. The method includes the steps of scanning biological tissue using an ultra-violet (UV) source to obtain fluorescence data, transferring fluorescence data and/or images using a radio frequency (RF) or other suitable means to a personal computer (PC) system, analyzing the image and/or fluorescence data in the PC, identifying -tissues with precancerous and cancerous cells, and optionally determining their precise location, and assessing the accuracy of the calculated fluoroscopic images.


< Echogenic or radio opaque device for removal from or transfer into the genital organs

< Microvascular blood volume magnetic resonance imaging

> Safety system to detect and annunciate the loss of occupancy detection in transit systems

> Method of determining the use of at least one toll road section

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