A device (1) for transmitting speech information to the human body, comprising: a microphone (2) for inputting speech from an external source; a speech signal processor (20) that produces a consonant-clarified signal based on the input speech signal; a carrier signal generator (6) that produces a carrier signal; an amplitude modulator (8) that modulates the amplitude of the carrier signal based on the consonant-clarified signal; and a vibrator (12) that transmits mechanical vibrations based on the amplitude-modulated output signal; the speech signal processor (20) comprising: a consonant extracting unit that extracts the consonant parts from the speech signal; and a repetition processing unit that adds the extracted consonant parts to the speech signal to produce a consonant-clarified signal in which each of the consonant parts of the speech signal is repeated two or more times. This speech information transmitting device realizes good discriminability of speech information.

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~ 00212