The invention relates to a method for the production of a substance, more particularly,
a substance that can be used as foodstuff or cosmetic. Said substance is obtained
from a first substance that is produced by fine grinding grains or nuts, especially
sunflower seeds and by adding a first liquid and salt, sugar or substances similar
to salt or sugar. By adding oil, especially sunflower seed oil, or a liquefied
fat, a second liquid substance is normally obtained which acquires a more solid
consistency by adding a second acid liquid or acidifying agent, especially lemon
juice. The amount of the second acid liquid determines the consistency of the first
substance. The invention is based on a basic substance for the production of foodstuff
and cosmetic products exclusively consisting of a small number of original, natural,
genetically unaltered substances that have not been genetically modified -nd that
contain no additives or residues from drugs or hormones and ostensibly reduce allergens.
The basic substance has optimal value as food stuff and can be used basically as
a substitute for dairy products.