A Combination Electronic and Paper Ballot Voting System with electronic vote
capability for automatically recording, tallying, and storing votes. Election headquarters
computer software (50) combines voter data from precinct computers (71)
and produces tallies. Precinct computers (71) use software (80) for
vote data collection from electronic readers (61) that interface with precinct
computers (71) via cables (35) through a system controller (72)
that is a hub for connecting readers (61) with precinct computers (71).
A voter places configured paper ballot (34) on reader (61) and marks
choices on ballot (34) using a combination electronic and ink-marking stylus
(62). An XY coordinate positioning device (89), inside reader (61)
and underneath ballot placement area, electronically captures voter choices. Voter
data are instantly transferred to precinct computers (71). Precinct computer
software (80) tallies voter data, configures report and storage formats,
and communicates results to headquarters computer (41). Permanently marked
paper ballot (34) is retained as a definitive record of voter intent.