A topical insect repellent with extended duration of protection was obtained
mixtures of molecules based on two or more volatile repellent organic molecular
species occurring naturally on the human skin surface. The novel repellent comprises
mixtures of lower, intermediate, and higher volatility organic molecules. Active
ingredients for formulations are obtained from homologous series of carboxylic
acids, alcohols, ketones, and lactones which span a similar range of volatility
and which occur naturally on the skin surface. Volatile silicone fluid imparts
mildness and water repellency to the repellent formulations. The new natural repellent
exhibits the longevity and repellency that is comparable to N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide
(DEET), a synthetic compound employed in almost all commercial formulations, but
the inventive natural repellent is more acceptable than DEET, which has an unpleasant
odor and imparts a greasy feel to the skin. The inventive insect repellent, formulated
in a volatile silicone fluid, was shown to repel and incapcitate stable flies.
This finding demonstrated that repellency was not limited to mosquitoes, but extends
to other biting flies or insects, thus demonstrating the utility of the novel insect
repellent for protecting pets and livestock as well as humans.