An aloe vera re-tanned leather for use in a glove, garment, sandal or shoe. The
leather includes tanned leather having an internal fiber matrix. An aloe vera powder
of aloe vera particles in a gel carrier is in the tanned leather in a retanning
process so that the aloe vera particles in the gel carrier penetrate the internal
fiber matrix and are temporarily trapped within the internal fiber matrix. The
trapped aloe vera particles in the tanned leather gradually emerge from the inside
surface of the leather to be in contact with, lubricate and treat the skin of a
wearer of the glove, garment, sandals or shoes, whereby the aloe vera lubricated
leather is particularly suitable for use in gloves, garments, sandals or shoes
which come in contact with a wearer's skin. The process of retanning the leather
to include the aloe vera in the leather and the gloves, garments, sandals and shoes
incorporating the aloe vera retaining leather is also described.