A neurocomputer (50) comprises n oscillating processing elements (60A,
60B, 60C, 60D and 60E) that communicate through a common
medium (70) so that there are required only n connective junctions (80A,
80B, 80C, 80D and 80E). A rhythmic external forcing
input (90) modulates the oscillatory frequency of the medium (70)
which, in turn, is imparted to the n oscillators (60A, 60B, 60C,
60D and 60E). Any two oscillators oscillating at different frequencies
may communicate provided that input's power spectrum includes the frequency equal
to the difference between the frequencies of the two oscillators in question. Thus,
selective communication, or dynamic connectivity, between different neurocomputer
oscillators occurs due to the frequency modulation of the medium (70) by
external forcing.