A process is disclosed for recovering elemental phosphorus from an aqueous sludge
and converting the residue into non-hazardous waste. The sludge is separated into
(1) a slurry of water containing suspended phosphorus and dirt particles and (2)
coarse solids. A flocculating agent is added to the slurry to agglomerate the suspended
phosphorus and dirt particles, which are recovered from the water and are heated
to melt elemental phosphorus particles. A coalescing agent is added to coalesce
the melted elemental phosphorus, which is separated from the dirt particles. The
coarse solids are mixed with hot water to melt the phosphorus sludge, which is
separated from inert solids. The solids are heated to burn any residual elemental
phosphorus. The separated molten phosphorus sludge is stirred with a solution of
chromic acid to recover the phosphorus as a separate phase. A reducing agent is
added to the remaining water and solids to reduce the Cr+6 to Cr+3.
Finally, an alkali is added to the water and solids to react the residual phosphorus
and form phosphorous compounds. The reaction mass is filtered and the filter cake
can be placed in a landfill as a non-hazardous waste.