This invention discloses improvements on previous inventions for catalytic conversion
of coal and steam to methane. The disclosed improvements permit conversion of petroleum
residua or heavy crude petroleum to methane and carbon dioxide such that nearly
all of the heating value of the converted hydrocarbons is recovered as heating
value of the product methane. The liquid feed is distributed over a fluidized solid
particulate catalyst containing alkali metal and carbon as petroleum coke at elevated
temperature and pressure from the lower stage and transported to the upper stage
of a two-stage reactor. Particulate solids containing carbon and alkali metal are
circulated between the two stages. Superheated steam and recycled hydrogen and
carbon monoxide are fed to the lower stage, fluidizing the particulate solids and
gasifying some of the carbon. The gas phase from the lower stage passes through
the upper stage, completing the reaction of the gas phase.