The invention relates to a device (1) for holding together, adjusting,
fitting or fastening parts of a garment, shoe or any other accessory. It contains
a first part (2) comprising a sheath (3) in which a first magnet
or ferromagnetic element (4) is inserted, these being movable inside the
first sheath, and a second part (5) containing a second magnet or ferromagnetic
element (6) subject or submitted to the magnetic attraction of the first
magnet or ferromagnetic element of the first part, and is used to hold together,
adjust, fit or fasten the garment, shoe or accessory when one of the said first
and second parts (2, 5) is activated by a user to work in conjunction or
alterations is thus possible through the sliding (7) of the first magnet
or ferromagnetic element (4) in the first sheath (3).