A microwave hyperthermia apparatus that can be inserted into the body which includes
a hollow central tube for the insertion of radioactive therapy sources. The use
of a coaxial transmission line impedance transformation along the insertable portion
of the coaxial cable enables a reduction in the characteristic impedance by increasing
the outer diameter of the inner coaxial conductor so that the center conductor
can be a metal tube. If the ratio of the outer coaxial conductor diameter vs. the
inner coaxial conductor is decreased, the characteristic impedance of the transmission
line is lowered. This enables the inner conductor diameter to increase sufficiently
to make the central hollow opening large enough to receive standard radioactive
sources therein. This provides for a good impedance match that improves microwave
energy efficiency while at the same time permitting a large hollow center opening.
The combination of the microwave antenna device and brachytherapy sources provides
for enhanced effectiveness when the two treatments are delivered simultaneously
or in close time proximity to each other.