A data collection and scoring system for performance assessments wherein
the system has the facility for creating, editing, and scoring various
rubrics and checklists, for maintaining a library of rubrics and
checklists to download and use or edit, for utilizing either a PC or a
mobile handheld computer to create, edit, or score the assessments, for
uploading and downloading data between the PC and the handheld computer,
and for creating customizable, objective scoring systems for subjective
assessments. The system may be used for any performance or observable
assessment including but not limited to, writing exams, listening exams,
speaking exams, judging contests, driver's exams, physical education
skills, music skills, votech course skills, employee reviews, and/or any
type of inspection whether it's inspecting a person, a building, a
mechanism, a component, a process, or anything that can potentially be