A volumetrically compact and efficient antenna, with a high radiation resistance
and low losses, that can be designed for any frequency, and which has a gain within
1 dB of that of a full-sized vertical monopole radiator or, in its horizontally
polarized form, within 2 dB of that of a horizontally polarized half-wave dipole.
One embodiment is a rectangle, with short radiators and long interconnecting wires,
which has been folded back on itself in a manner that results in a square configuration
(when viewed from the top) and brings the two radiating wires into close proximity.
Only a single port need be fed. Linear loading sections, such as stubs, serrations
and helically wound interconnecting wires can be used to electrically lengthen
the antenna, while keeping physical dimensions small. Capacitive loading sections
are also used. Two unequal-sized rectangular loops may be joined onto each other,
to provide an additional radiating element.