The present invention relates to a system and method for automated
extraction and display of past health care use to aid in predicting
future health status. A system and method that converts raw medical and
pharmacy claims data into Hierarchical Major Clinical Condition (HMCC)
and Place of Treatment (POT) time-series data to facilitate the health
assessment of a member's total clinical conditions and aid in predicting
his or her future health status. The HMCC categories are organized in
body systems and likely disease progression to permit both
spatio-temporal digital signal processing and the development of a
dynamical learning system. Each medical and pharmacy claim of the member
is mapped onto one or more HMCC/POT-time cells. At the end of mapping,
multiple entries in each HMCC-time cell are accumulated with the temporal
resolution determined as a function of group size and temporal fidelity
required for model building. Individual HMCC/POT-time maps can be rolled
up to a group level to facilitate employer-by-employer or
market-by-market comparison so that clinical strategies can be tailored
to each employer or geographic region. Multiple nonlinear visualization
mapping algorithms are provided to cope with highly nonlinear nature of
claims cost data.