A useful method of verifying the integrity of a cryptosystem involves using erroneous
outputs to obtain secret information. In certain signature schemes which use the
Chinese Remainder Theorem, a correct signature of a message and an erroneous signature
of the same message permit the modulus to be easily obtained. If the content of
the message is known, such cryptosystems may be cracked with only an erroneous
signature of the message. Certain other authorization schemes may be cracked by
analyzing a number of erroneous outputs caused by a particular type of error called
a "register fault." A security expert or cryptosystem designer may intentionally
induce a tamper proof device generate a faulty computation by subjecting the device,
such as a smart card, to physical stress, such as certain types of radiation, atypical
voltage levels, or a higher clock rate than the device was designed to accommodate.
Cryptosystems should be impervious to the attacks described herein. If not, the
system should be modified or discarded.