A new ultrafiltration technique based on a multimembrane stack has been
developed to fractionate solutes closer in size than conventionally
possible. The technique is illustrated here by obtaining a pure protein
product from a binary protein mixture. By employing membranes in series
without any gaskets or spacers in-between, ultrafiltration is carried out
to separate two proteins relatively close in molecular weight or size.
Flat regenerated cellulose membranes, polyethersulfone membranes or the
like, of at least substantially the same molecular weight cutoff (MWCO)
are stacked together in the desired number, and ultrafiltration takes
place. The membrane rejection of a protein is amplified with each
additional membrane, ultimately resulting in a completely rejected
species. Complete purification of the more permeable protein is achieved
regardless of the physicochemical condition which may be optimal or
suboptimal for selective separation by a single membrane.