For a set (Lk) of embedded systems, an authorized operator with identifier (OPj)
creates a mother public key (KpM) and a mother private key (KsM). The identifier
(OPj), the range of identifiers referenced (Lk) and the mother public
key (KpM) are published. For each embedded system (SNi), a diversified
key (KsMi) is created from the identifier (SNi) and stored.
For every public key (Kp) generated by an embedded system, a cryptographic control
value (Sci) is calculated on the public key (Kp), an algorithm identifier
(CA1) and the utilization parameters (U) of this key, using a zero knowledge
signature algorithm, and a certification request message (MRCA) that includes control
value (Sci), the identifier of the operator (Opj), and identifier
(SNi) is transmitted to a certification authority, which retrieves the
identifier (Opj) and the value of the mother public key (KpM).