Methods, systems, and media to enhance browsing of messages in a message queue are disclosed. Embodiments include hardware and/or software for tracking records browsed by one or more agents. The agents are processes designed to collect, process, and/or reformat data for an upperware application, a data warehouse, and/or similar systems. When the agents sets up communications with a queue, the agents may include an attribute setting that instructs the middleware to track the last record browsed and/or the next record to browse. In response to setting the attribute, many embodiments record the current record number, row number, queue identifier, and/or the like in a database with an agent identification (ID). Then, whenever the agent re-establishes communication with the middleware queue using the same ID, the middleware can retrieve the current record number.


< Interface and related methods for dynamically generating a filter graph in a development system

< Method and structure for autonomic application differentiation/specialization

> Autonomic peer-to-peer computer software installation

> User specified transfer of data between applications

~ 00221