A method and system for mapping a network domain provides a centralized repository for network information to support network devices, including an intrusion detection system. A domain mapping device includes an acquisition engine for acquiring network information, hypercube storage for storing network information, and a query engine for responding to queries from network devices for network information. The acquisition engine acquires network information by active scanning of network devices, passive scanning of network devices, polling of network devices, or receiving network information pushed from network devices. The network information includes device type, operating system, service and vulnerability information. The query engine provides network information in response to queries from network devices, such as intrusion detection devices that use the data to detect attacks on the vulnerabilities of the network.

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< System and method for using login correlations to detect intrusions

< Integrated sensor cable for ranging

> Method and system for maintaining network activity data for intrusion detection

> Intrusion detection system using self-organizing clusters

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