An electronic design automation system provides optimization of RTL models of
electronic designs, to produce detailed constraints and data precisely defining
the requirements for the back-end flows leading to design fabrication. The system
takes a RTL model of an electronic design and maps it into an efficient, high level
hierarchical representation of the hardware implementation of the design. Automatic
partitioning partitions the hardware representation into functional partitions,
and creates a fully characterized performance envelope for a range of feasible
implementations for each of the partitions, using accurate placement based wire
load models. Chip-level optimization selects and refines physical implementations
of the partitions to produce compacted, globally routed floorplans. Chip-level
optimization iteratively invokes re-partitioning passes to refine the partitions
and to recompute the feasible implementations. In this fashion, a multiple-pass
process converges on an optimal selection of physical implementations for all partitions
for the entire chip that meet minimum timing requirements and other design goals.
The system outputs specific control and data files which thoroughly define the
implementation details of the design through the entire back-end flow process,
thereby guaranteeing that the fabricated design meets all design goals without
costly and time consuming design iterations.