Web-sites www.proximityservices.com, www.accessservices.com, www.vendingmachineservices.com, www.vehicleservices.com, www. meterservices.com, www.picopay.com, www.tollservices.com, for all the proximity service systems world wide are disclosed wherein customers can sign up for proximity services such as toll gate services at any toll gate in the world that has signed up to provide the service to customers, parking meter services etc. and the proximity systems owners are guaranteed their payments. In the preferred embodiment all transactions are approved at the local POS (toll gate, parking meter, checkout station, parking lot, pay phone, ATM, gas station, etc.) using a service provider identification number (SPIN) issued to the service provider owner each month for example. The local approved transactions are guaranteed by the web-site owners and the customers each have unique SPIN numbers that expire periodically such as each month. The web-site designs are designed to work most efficiently with all in one access devices such as, a wireless cell phone, a pager, or master PASS until that can directly activate proximity transaction units by delivering credit card, Smartcard, debit card, and or SPIN code data.

Web www.patentalert.com

< Method for authenticating users

< Inter-server communication using request with encrypted parameter

> Method and system for strong, convenient authentication of a web user

> Method and system for enterprise-level unassisted customer shipping

~ 00223