A redirect system is provided which is operable to redirect information over a network 1610. This information is associated with a compressed MP3 audio file which is initially transmitted through the network from a source 1612 to a user PC 1600. The user PC 1600 will then play the information and, upon playing the information, embedded information within the audio file will be detected by an application program 1604. This will cause a browser 1602 to launch and route the embedded information to an intermediate node 1620. This information will be matched with information in a database 1624, which information provides routing information to a producer location 1614. This is transmitted back to the user PC 1600 which will then effect a connection with the producer 1614 to either view in the simple case a web page and, in the more complex case, actually transmit information from the database 1624 through the user PC 1600 to the producer 1614 to provide a customized communication in the form of a customized web page.

Web www.patentalert.com

< Method and apparatus for generating an emergent model on a computer network

< Data replication for redundant network components

> Ad hoc secure access to documents and services

> Chromatographic or spectroscopic reports with hyperlinks to allow direct access to external references

~ 00223