In a preferred embodiment of the invention, a network client inserts a validation
key into the SEQ and ACK fields of a TCP connection request (TCP-SYN). The TCP
connection request is sent to a validating server. The validating server extracts
the validation key and uses it, with other implicit and explicit data contained
within the TCP connection request to validate the connection establishment request.
If the connection request is validated, the validating server responds with a TCP-SYN/ACK
as described in the TCP protocol specification. If the TCP connection request is
denied, the request is discarded and nothing is sent back to the requestor, in
this case the network client. When an internet port scanner sends a TCP connection
request to a validating network server without the proper key, the request is silently
discarded or "black-holed." This makes the validating server appear to the Internet
port scanner to not exist. The validating server has completely concealed itself
from unauthorized and unvalidated connections.